PHD Resources

Public Hospital District Resources

AWPHD has selected commonly requested resources for Leadership and Administrative business within your Washington Public Hospital District.

AWPHD Legal Manual

The goal of the manual is to provide administrators, commissioners, district staff and the general public a basic source of information about the legal requirements affecting Washington’s Public Hospital Districts.

Ask MRSC December 2024

Governing Legal Authority

The authority, powers, duties and limitations of a hospital district are set out in Chapter 70.44 RCW.

Open Public Meetings Act Training

Our partners at MRSC offer e-learning courses that help fulfill the Open Government Trainings Act requirements. After completing each training, make sure to download your certificate of completion for documentation purposes.

Managing Hospital District Records

Find public records retention schedules and other records management tips from the Washington Secretary of State.

Open Public Meetings Act Changes - HB 1329 Guidance

Legislature updates the Open Public Meetings Act. For a full summary, you may also visit MRSC’s blog.

PHD Board Actions - When Resolutions are Required

RCW 70.44.050 requires that the board's business be conducted by resolution or motion. This provision also requires that resolutions be adopted by most of the entire board of commissioners. Please note this list may not be complete and we will work on updating it as other statutory mandates become known.

2024 Procurement for Public Hospital Districts

Please click on link below to access the PowerPoint slides provided by our partners at MRSC.

New Weapons Law in Effect

In an effort to assist our members in complying with the recently enacted open carry of weapons prohibition we have developed a sign that meets the requirement for posting.

Website Design and Management Recording

Agenda includes: Welcome and Introduction, Understanding the User Experience, Conquer your fears about website design and get a glimpse into the process, What does success look like?, and Importance of Cybersecurity and where to start

Healthcare Acronyms

Familiarize yourself with common healthcare acronyms and their definitions.

What is a Public Hospital District?

Public Hospital Districts are community-created, governmental entities authorized by state law to deliver health services—including but not limited to acute hospital care—to district residents and others in the districts’ service areas. Owned and governed by local citizens, hospital districts tailor their services to meet the unique needs of their communities.

Additional AWPHD Membership Resource

Ask Municipal Research Services Center

Public Hospital District staff and officials are eligible to use the free “Ask MRSC” inquiry service to get personalized answers from trusted attorneys, policy consultants and finance experts at MRSC. You must be a staff member at a public hospital district that is enrolled as a member of the Association of Washington Public Hospital Districts.