AWPHD Resources
Resources for public hospital districts, commissioners, and levy/bond elections.

Public Hospital Districts
Download legal manual, training materials and other helpful resources for your district.
View these resources to help you navigate your role as board of commissioners for your district.
Find resources to help navigate the process of running a bond or levy within your community. These resources will also show you how to educate the public about your measure.
Partnership with Municipal Research Services Center
As part of the AWPHD membership, you may submit questions through “Ask MRSC” to help navigate rules and regulations for Public Hospital Districts.
Submit a QuestionMEMBER RESOURCE
AWPHD Legal Manual
AWPHD in partnership with MRSC has created an easy-to-read and easy-to-understand legal manual to provide our members with a basic source of information about the legal requirements affecting Washington’s Public Hospital Districts. (PHDs).